Saturday, February 6, 2010

Wi Fi Optimizer Wi-Fi?????????????????

Wi-Fi????????????????? - wi fi optimizer

my neighbors Wi-Fi signal comes on my property, I recently discovered my new iPod touch. Is it illegal for my application? No password or something, so it does not have as piracy.
Oh, and be able to see that I'm using? as mentioned in the history of his computer, or what?
Thank you!


Thiago Cardoso said...

If you really as legal or illegal is totally illegal to take, but do not see why your neighbor and say that if you use it?

Believe me, if no password authentication or not recognize the situation. Even if the title, it will be the MAC address, which is quite impossible to see who is (not working at the CIA). All I can do is to block access by MAC address.

Hope this helps

Thank you,

Cisco Certified Network

donktg said...

I think it is not illegal if you do something illegal while your connection (as you see your files, etc..) When one kind of legal limbo right now, but basically, if a signal is open, you can do - something illegal, when in use.
The only way to know is, if you are using the router and enter the announcement of an additional team. Even then, without a lot of problems, no known address. Very computer savvy, you have to find it for you. But when you get there and start making a lotta movies and HD clog streams and view your bandwidth, you should not bother enough to call the ISP and possibly find.
Good luck,

Мала Принцеза said...

It is illegal, or at least I was checked the last time. but there is no easy way for him to know that he uses. Probably not even know that someone uses the Internet, if you do not remember doing certain websites. It will not be able to see that you are using the Internet, but can be used for sites that look at what to do. I also see your IP address, but could be a neighbor of IP addresses. Hey, your fault for not putting a password!

Liz said...

Well ...

Here's the deal.
Officially not allowed to connect your WiFi signal to connect to, while in secret. This is not to do something terrible to your computer or data on this issue, because the phone company wants $ 14.95 per month for you ...

It's official. The "crime" if you call it "theft of services", and if you could decide actualloy @ $ $ to you to a fine of $ 200.

Today is the reality of it all.
Go ahead and get in touch, and the rest fully assured that all the neighbors to sell their signal is not encrypted or password on the login admin has no idea who you are connecting to your radio. This would look at the router log files and it would be much longer and more difficult, the network that does not have the trouble to do quantified.

nicshorn said...

no it's not illegal (unless you do illegal Stuggi)
only you know whether your use if you are a fan of computers and their faces ipadrres history, (which often appears in its history, started the story of Bo, ie Internet Theres a Mac is a status bar history and a PC with POP Bar next door)

JD said...

dont think is illegal, do not expect the same ... his fault if he be open .... I know nothing about history, reciveving only that the signal and the events on your iTouch, but unsure

Jacob J said...

It is permissible, if asked to use
illegal, but when you crack your password (if applicable)
If you are stolen, no password, just waiting, or it does not matter
Just Ask Me

idkkkkkk... said...

nope not illegal.

The worst thing that could happen is that when he finds out (which probably happened) they will make a password.

Freecard fun on Wi-Fi!

Sarwar H said...

nope lol I your casue they and their not illegal because there is no security, no matter how much fun, knowledge

Quintess... said...

No. Congratulations to find a loophole:)

squeezze... said...

There are many wireless hotspots around the country, we call this a good perk

LeBron Who said...

Nahh, unless you are looking for the devices on your network.

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